Tax ID - #91-1303534

Patient Profiles

Every day new patients arrive at our facility. In an effort to tell their story of survival and highlight the diverse number of species that we rehabilitate, we highlight a new patient each week. Some of these are individuals, others are orphaned siblings. As their cases progress - we will update the outcome - our hope is that many, many of these patients are released! 

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Orphaned baby raccoon

By Sarvey Wildlife / Monday, June 13, 2016 /

This little guy was orphaned after his mom was accidentally scared off. Attempts to reunite them were not successful, and he was brought to us.

We have lots of baby raccoons, but he is the smallest one we have had all season. He is just a couple days old and so tiny. Soon enough he will be big enough to join the other orphans and will new siblings during his stay with us. Status - pending. 

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