Tax ID - #91-1303534

Patient Profiles

Every day new patients arrive at our facility. In an effort to tell their story of survival and highlight the diverse number of species that we rehabilitate, we highlight a new patient each week. Some of these are individuals, others are orphaned siblings. As their cases progress - we will update the outcome - our hope is that many, many of these patients are released! 

Blog: Blog test

Great Horned owlet

By Sarvey Wildlife / Monday, April 16, 2018 /

Our resident surrogate Athena is so happy to have her first foster baby this season. This little guy was orphaned and transferred to us by our colleagues at West Sound Wildlife. Status: Euthanized. Unfortunately, there were serious issues with his wing - either from a fall from the nest when he was abandoned/orphaned, or some other injury that occurred. We attempted to correct this through physical therapy but, after several weeks there was not significant progress. 

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